So just what is
Meridith Alexander’s
G.R.I.T. Formula?

Are you are feeling the powerful desire to reinvent yourself? To finally create the life that you desire so deeply to be living?

Or are you feeling like something is missing in your life — but, try as you might, you just can’t seem to figure out what that “what” actually is?

Or maybe you know that you have the capability to be going further faster but no matter what you try, you seem to always land in basically the same spot that you started in?

Are you are feeling the powerful desire to reinvent yourself? To finally create the life that you desire so deeply to be living?

Or are you feeling like something is missing in your life — but, try as you might, you just can’t seem to figure out what that “what” actually is?

Or maybe you know that you have the capability to be going further faster but no matter what you try, you seem to always land in basically the same spot that you started in?

Whether you simply are tired of feeling impossibly stuck on a never-ending hamster wheel or overwhelmed by a life that feels devoid of purpose or passion, top mindset life coach Meridith Alexander’s G.R.I.T. Formula can help you begin creating effective changes that will allow you to wake up finally looking forward to your day and learning how to fall in love with this crazy adventure called Life.

How does it work?


Have a look at this short video and Meridith will give you a turbo charged look at how this process works and why it’s so successful when you are ready for change.


For any guidance system to yield maximum results, it’s critical to clearly understand where you are starting from. The first element of the G.R.I.T. formula is geared toward helping you to gain clarity. You must clearly understand where you are right now, where specifically you want to go, why you want to go there, what is your natural rocket fuel and what are the things that are holding you back.


In this element, we focus on priming you for success. What do we need to reboot or recalibrate? How can we reverse engineer back from your goals and create a strategy for success based on what success and happiness means to you? Who do you need to become in order to achieve that and how do we create a “personal empowerment plan” that consistently supports you? Happy, successful people don’t arrive there by default. They have learned to create structure, support systems, triggers, habits, perspectives and patterns that energize and fuel them.


This is the element that targets your outer game. The actual application of strategies, accountability and massive inspired action. Now that we have helped you ramp up your inner game, it’s time to unleash your potential out into the world. Maybe that means creating an irresistible LinkedIn profile and strategy? Maybe it means building up your platform by getting more media coverage? Maybe it means finally figuring out how to launch that business that you have always dreamed of? One thing is for sure: this means unleashing your rocket fueled “I’m Possibilities” into those areas that used to be consumed with only all consuming “impossibilities” . Each breakthrough is achieved by that next small deliberate step forward.

Top Mindset Life Coach Meridith Alexander

People Who Define Themselves as Happy and Successful All Tend To Have What Meridith Calls G.R.I.T.

When you ask people who define themselves as genuinely happy and successful what they strive for on a daily basis, Meridith has found that many answer with responses like this:

  • I make it my goal every day to show up as the best version of myself.

  • I strive to show up everyday playing at my highest level.

  • I try to approach every day with curiosity, compassion, gratitude and wonder.

  • Some of my greatest opportunities showed up disguised as my greatest challenges. Now I live
    my life looking for more ways to grow and learn. It’s a grand adventure that I have come to love.

How Did Meridith’s Own Journey Lead Her To Develop The G.R.I.T. Formula?

From the time that I was a child, I have always yearned to understand what made human beings not simply successful, but also happy.

Over the decades, I have studied the works of ancient philosophers including Plato, Socrates and Hobbes. I have dived deep into the teachings of both the eastern and the western worlds. I have studied spirituality, religion and energy. I have also studied the martial arts of aikido and tai chi. And I have of course immersed myself deeply into the world of personal development including the trainings and inner game strategies of T. Harv Eker, the Law of Attraction (specifically Abraham (Esther) Hicks and one of the great masters of the inner game Tony Robbins.

But I came to discover that, although the inner game can make or break most strategies, we can’t forget about the power of effective outer game strategies.

This lead me to seek out some of the best mentors for the outer game on topics ranging from sales and communication to marketing and branding.

What I have come to believe is that if you want to be truly happy and successful, you need to learn to master both the inner game and the outer game.

And you need to learn the art of embodying those 4 elements of G.R.I.T.



This element implies that you have a hunger for greatness. You learn to own the power within the stories of your life. You learn to see the gifts and the opportunities within your life circumstances and experiences — even those that felt like they were opposing you. You live your life with empowerment and compassion — both to others and for yourself. You are drawn to serve and to inspire. You live each moment as if it’s part of your bucket list and you dive into your experiences with the awe and enthusiasm of one who understands that every step leads either to succeeding or growing. You cannot miss the boat because you ARE the boat.


Resilience implies a fortitude of spirit that ignites an expectation of ultimate success or learning, even in the midst of formidable odds and adversity. This strength expands with practice and is nourished by courage, faith and often Grace. Resilience grows with vulnerability and complete immersion into life. Resilience thrives in those visionary leaders who firmly believe that if success isn’t present, the game isn’t over yet.


Listening to our inner voice can feel like a lost skill even in a time when we are asking our God/ Universe to show us the answers. And yet, our intuition, our inner voice gets louder with practice. Louder when we are willing to quiet the chatter and connect with the wisdom of our inner selves. And when we marry the wisdom of our inner voice with our clear intent and focus, that is when we begin to sow the seeds of what some might call “the magic” in life. Those moments when great things seem just to “magically” appear. Some might call it preparing yourself for luck or grace.


All things in nature need to be growing and flowing. To stagnate/ resist change in this world is to wither and die. The same is true with human beings. Somewhere along the line, we were conditioned to fear change and yet if we are to thrive, we must constantly unfold and grow. Every moment in time for the duration of our lives is nudging us toward transforming into even bigger more fascinating versions of who we may yet evolve to be. True joy is allowing yourself to embrace the beauty and adventure in the process of that becoming. It is there — that place where we decide to dance through the puddles of the unknown — that lies the secret of falling in love with life again.

If you are ready to learn how to “unravel what has been holding you back” (even when you’re not quite sure what that is), it is time to take action.

And that action begins with a powerful first step.

Our goal is to help you learn the art of mastering your inner and outer game so you can go on to live the boldest (and most fulfilling) version of your life even in the midst of change and unpredictability.

If you are ready to get started on this next powerful journey in your life, come join the G.R.I.T. TRIBE. All you have to do is to click on the button and enroll below.

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