I think that most of us have been in that position at some point.

It’s that gnawing aching “sandpaper” feeling in our stomach. That crunch in our chest. Quite honestly, it’s an awful feeling — particularly awful if it seems like we continue to stay there.

Having dreams and goals can be an interesting thing. Sometimes they feel really wonderful. They inspire us. They give us hope, drive, our big WHY.

At other times, they can feel quite frightening. Terrifying even. Usually those moments come when someone tells us that those dreams simply can’t be had.

Ever been told that something that you really wanted was unrealistic?

I certainly have.

But the worst of the worst is when that person who is telling you to stop dreaming is the person inside your own head.

Yep, that’s right. You.

Did you know that studies show that fewer than 4% of us every achieve our goals and dreams?


Because we never really pursue them.

We try to err on the side of caution and we shy away from something that feels suspiciously like possible failure.

Ah our dear sweet brains!

Always trying to protect us from certain doom.

But are those “impossible dreams” really impossible? Or are they as yet simply residing on “unfamiliar turf”?

I recently worked with a young woman who is only 18 years old.

Her mom reached out to me because she was a bit concerned.

You see, her daughter has her heart set on going into the film industry. Not as an actress but as a producer/director.

She was smitten by the movie bug when she saw the Superman movie for the first time. She loved how one two hour story can so powerfully impact so many lives.

Well, I don’t have to tell you how challenging the movie industry can be, And quite frankly, her mom was worried.

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in her daughter or that she didn’t want to be her daughter’s biggest cheerleader no matter what.

It was simply that she didn’t want to see her daughter make a mistake that would cause her to suffer even for a minute.

Ever been there?

She asked if I could help her daughter come up with a plan that would set her up for success in her quest for Hollywood but also line her up with some solid skills that could be tapped into if her interests were to shift one day.

And there was a wee bit of a confidence issue around the edges. Not surprising when you’re 18 years old and still figuring out who you really are underneath it all.

Over the past few weeks, we have taken her light years ahead.

And it all began with clarity. Staring the boulders straight on and using them as our runway lights.

We set two parallel paths in motion: one that would begin immediately establishing this young woman on LinkedIn as a future dynamo in the industry. We have her in consideration as an extra for a major motion picture so that she can get a behind the scenes look at things. She’s writing.

She’s making connections. She has a 3-5 year plan.

Most importantly, she can see where the land of “progress” lies and how to consistently stay there.

Aligned with that is her business path — skills that she might someday need if (when) she has grown to the place where she might want to open her own production company.

Also skills that would prove valuable if she should decide that the film industry is not her ultimate destiny.

So here we are just a few weeks later.

Her mom has noticed the change both in focus and in self-esteem and actually just wrote me the lovely testimonial below.

5-star review for Meridith Alexander coaching

The point here is that we all get nervous when facing something unfamiliar and daunting.

That’s NORMAL.

The tragedy is when we use that feeling as cause to retreat — when it should really be an invitation to start rolling up your sleeves.


As you live these last two weeks in 2020, I would encourage you to commit to claiming 2021 as the year when you dare to push beyond the place where your beliefs tend to stop you.

To reacquaint yourself with some of those fallen dreams. The goals that are waiting for you next to the recycling bin.

Pick them up. Dust them off.

And realize that there is always a way forward.

Are you ready to make 2021 the year of possibility? Shoot me a quick reply “YES” if you are all in. Our world could use some more dreamers and, as I like to say “Joy-riors”!

In Joy,
