Quick question as we barrel toward 2021: what would make your life feel amazing? Literally EPIC?

How can you get that?

And who do you want to surround yourself with once you get it? (Or on your way there?)

If you know me well, you know that I talk about our “invisible stories” quite a bit. 

That’s the secret, inner narrative we aren’t aware of that surrounds the inner narrative that we do hear. 

For example, unless we consciously work to reprogram this, when we think about where we want to be next year and we say (for example), I want to be making a minimum of X number of dollars, our mind is also focusing on (and replaying in a flash) all of those times when what we are currently making was not enough. 

As if that wasn’t enough, it can also simultaneously tap into memories of the times as a child when money was a problem or visions of all the things that we haven’t yet been able to do. 

So when our inner narrative states a “fact”, that “fact” comes with a lot of unseen baggage. 


So you can see a wee problem brewing here, can’t you?

What we are genuinely focusing on (not what we always believe we are focusing on) expands PLUS we can start skewing our belief of what is even possible. 

Because we believe that we have insurmountable “evidence” of what is “realistic”.

So, yesterday, I encouraged you to strive to create an EPIC life for yourself going forward. 

To challenge yourself to envision the most epic version of yourself. 

Who would you be? 

What would you do? 

What would you feel and how would you make your impact felt? 

For some, once the invisible stories start swirling, “Epic” can really start to feel like a 4-letter word. 

Oh wait! It actually is. Wink! 

So how do you learn to nestle up against this concept?

You as EPIC versus the “I’m ok” version of yourself?

It starts by first committing to start playing detective with your inner narrative. 

When you state your truths, what are the hidden stories that are supporting these truths?

Are these truths that you want to keep living/creating more of?

Question the source. 

Because it was true once, does it make it true forever? 

Is a feeling of fear truly indicating that you are honestly in physical danger? Or is the truth closer to unfamiliarity, unpredictability or uncertainty? 

Today, I would challenge you to think BIGGER than you have allowed yourself to think in the past. 

Turn off the “self-editting app” and temporarily forget about the “how”s that can often immediately suffocate those “wouldn’t it be nice ifs”. 

As you think about yourself a year from now, looking back on 2021, simply begin by asking yourself “who do I need to allow myself to be in order to show up as that bigger version of me?” 

“Who do I need to surround myself with?” 

“Who can help me fill in the gaps of things that I may need to learn or know?” 

“Who can help me see myself as mighty and capable when I have those moments of feeling doubt?” 

“Who can I begin seeing myself as?” 

So today, dear G.R.I.T.-sters, start by adding even 1% to the way that you see yourself. To what you believe is possible.

Then tomorrow add another 1%. And so on. 

Ordinary humans can achieve extraordinary things even if that one extraordinary thing is simply finding your happiness in the midst of “life”. 

Don’t allow your life to just “happen”. You be the one to claim your right to COME ALIVE! 

