What’s the worst thing you can do when you are feeling overwhelmed?

Assume that your conditions have to change before you can start feeling better.

If you are feeling like you are stuck on that famous hamster wheel, it could be that you have fallen into a pattern that works against you. The pattern of believing that you happiness and success lies at the mercy of something that you cannot control.

Someone else’s behavior, other people’s expectations, a huge “must do” list, an illness, a divorce, the state of the world or even personal tragedy. All sorts of things have the potential to derail us if we don’t learn to trust our ability to move beyond them.

When we make it our TRUTH that certain conditions have to change before we can respond with the emotion of happiness, we’re quickly becoming our own worst enemy.

But isn’t it true that these conditions are causing our unhappiness? Our pain? Our suffering?

Well, yes. They definitely triggered those reactions but changing those conditions is not necessarily always the way out of them.

Better feelings and better solutions begin within.

So where DO you have some power?

Can you ask yourself some new (and better) questions?

Such as….Has anyone else ever found themselves in an impossible situation and used that to propel themselves forward?

Have other people ever felt defeated who went on to achieve amazing things?

Or have YOU ever faced a challenge that took a while to master — but you did master it? Ever learned to ride a bike? Did falling off a few times mean that you were destined to always fall unless the bike learned how to balance itself?

Today, my episode on Phyllis Jenkins’ POWER LIFT podcast went live. In it we break down 7 tips that my coaching clients learn to incorporate in their daily practices so that they don’t fall victim to overwhelm. 

These tips are also available on my coaching site so feel free to download or bookmark them: https://gritmindsetacademy.com/7-tips-for-transforming-overwhelm-into-inspired-action/ 

Want a deeper boost?

Have a listen to POWER LIFT and let me know if YOU have a tip to share about your favorite way to cut through the overwhelm? 

And maybe, instead of feeling imprisoned because the world around you isn’t changing, go in there and change what you can change. Find your power — even if at first it’s only a sliver. Ever had a splinter in your foot? It makes itself known and so can you.

There’s a big beautiful world out there. Time to savor it!

In Joy,
